Staking van afvalverwerking voorbij

Werknemers van het staatsafvalverwerkingsbedrijf Zhyllo in Barisov hebben twee dagen gestaakt voor hogere lonen. Na toezeggingen van het management zijn de mensen weer aan het werk gegaan.

Fotograaf Alyaksandr Zyankou is opgepakt door de politie. Zijn camera is in beslag genomen.

Bron: Charter97

People demanded to raise wages.

Workers of “Zhyllyo” state-run garbage removal company in Barysau held a two-day strike demanding to raise wages, reports.

“Some people earn 600,000 – 700,000 rubles per month. The biggest wage you can get (if you have worked at one for life) is 1,700,000 rubles,” a worker says.

Strikers do not remove garbage, but remain on the territory of the company. “Zhyllyo” director Mikalai Sharkhun tried to solve the conflict on the first day of the strike, but the negotiations failed due to absence of clear promises.

Representatives of the Barysau district executive committee and the State Control Committee visit the company on the second day of strike.

Meanwhile, Alyaksandr Zyankou, a photo correspondent of, was detained today at 9 in the morning as he was taking photo of strikers on the territory of the special vehicle fleet. Alyaksandr phoned from a police station and said his camera had been seized.

The striking workers begin to work at 11 am after talks with the authorities that satisfied workers’ demands. Company managers promised to raise salaries of personnel of the special vehicle fleet and “Zelenstroi” by 20% every month starting from October. The company also promised to pay 500,000 ruble to buy vegetables in spite of previous assurances that workers cannot claim this one-time payment.