Politieke gevangene in cel met lid doodseskader

Bizar bericht uit Wit-Rusland. Politieke gevangene Mikalai Statkevich zit in de cel met Andrei Vasilyeu, die betrokken was bij de kidnapping van Yuri Zakharanko, Viktor Gonchar, Anatoli Krasovski and journalist Dzmitry Zavadski.

Bron: We Remember

The monitoring group of Platform association managed to get information about confinement conditions for Mikalai Statkevich in a prison in Mahilou.

A source from the administration of Mahilou prison No. 4 says Mikalai Statkevich is kept in a cell in the detention facility with another inmate. But staff of Platform association were surprised to learn who was Statkevich’s neighbour.

As it was figured out, the former deputy commander responsible for physical training in military unit 3214, Andrei Vasilyeu, was transferred from a penal colony in Navapolatsk to Statkevich’s cell. He was sentenced to 21 years in prison in 2002, website reports.

The latest episode of political series “Godfather” shown on NTV said major Andrei Vasilyeu had never hidden his involvement in kidnappings and killings of opposition leaders Yury Zakharanka, Viktar Hanchar, Anatol Krasouski and journalist Dzmitry Zavadski in 1999-2000. However, Vasilyeu said to the Belarusian television he denied he had any links to “death squads”.

The transfer of Andrei Vasilyeu to a cell with Statkevich raises many questions.

Lukashenka is likely to free the remaining political prisoners only if they sign pardon petitions. The possible aim of this move is pressing on Mikalai Statkevich and demonstrating “power” over his life and health to influence the position of the European Union.